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Written Communication

Need some assistance adding professionalism to your internal or external communications?


If you struggle to find time to craft thoughtful messaging, or often wish you had a second set of eyes to help you achieve the perfect tone, look no further. Adding a bit of polish and shine to the words of others just happens to be my superpower.


Process Documentation

Struggling with internal process documentation?  Whether you're refining what you have or creating something from scratch, this kind of work can eat away at precious time you could be spending on revenue-generating activities.


The bad news? It still needs to get done. The good news? You don't have to do it alone. 

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HR Partnership

I've spent the past decade serving as an advisor to leaders on all things people. My philosophy? Your people are your most valuable asset. And people value authentic, effective communication.


If you run a team but lack access to ongoing HR support, consider a partnership with me. You'll rest easy knowing that you have a thought partner for whatever comes up next. Whether you need to prepare for a difficult conversation with an employee, or you're looking for more effective ways to communicate with your team, I can help.

Legal Handshake

Launch your partnership with Rebecca Leigh CCS today.

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